
Beauty, Fashion, Travel, Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle Blog | Emtalks


Saturday 30 May 2015

Favourite Summer exercises! adidas #workit update!

Hello hello! So today I wanted to do an adidas update post for you and let you see which exercises I've been doing so far in order to help myself feel more toned and confident for Summer (and get you involved too of course) - if you don't know what I'm talking about, you can read my exciting announcement post here but basically, I've teamed up with adidas to do some amazing workouts which will should make you feel great! Summer is approaching really fast (we actually have sunshine in the UK!) so it's definitely put me in the mood to work out! For now, let's have a little catch up as I show you some of my Summer exercises!

I've been eating quite well recently, particularly over the past two weeks (you can check out my favourite healthy breakfasts post here and see why breakfast is so so important - I've really been focusing on a nice hearty breakfast recently to fill me up and stop me from snacking) but I've been finding it quite difficult not having a gym membership at home so I'm making up for that by making sure my eating is on point. 

I find YouTube videos and fitness videos in general really help when I don't have a gym membership - but I always feel like I need to do them as well as going to the gym (my workouts with adidas are designed to do alongside your cardio sessions!) - I am completely obsessed with the treadmill and for me, running outside just doesn't seem to feel like I'm working myself hard enough. I've been doing 3-5 mile runs a few times a week and then doing my adidas fitness moves too. To be honest, I do feel great already (I just need to hurry up and find a good gym near my house so I can get back into my cardio and really pick that pace up!) I think I'm going to start doing my moves even more times a week now. They're quick enough to do every single day!

I've been doing a lot of walking accidentally whilst exploring new cities and new places too and I'm always out walking with my Mum when I'm home, I think it's a great way to burn some extra calories without meaning to - exercise doesn't have to be boring! Have fun with it or you can always carry extra shopping bags or get off the bus a stop early - it's so cliche but it's so true, every little helps! I did my adidas videos in my kitchen with my friend the other day and we had so much fun doing them together - we sweated, giggled and then ached a lot the next day! No pain no gain! 

You can see the fitness moves I've been doing so far below (I've been trying to fit in each move twice, three times a week as well as my running but I'm gonna up my pace now as Summer is getting closer) and make sure you keep an eye on the adidas Facebook page for more as they will keep getting released on a weekly basis on the run up to Summer! 

@EmTalksblog shows us a twist on a standard plank.Tell us how you’'re going to #workit this weekend?
Posted by adidas Women on Friday, 22 May 2015

First up, my plank twist - it kills the abs but see how long you can do it for!  

Time to take your workout up a notch with @emtalksblog.This week we tackle squats, think you can handle this one?.
Posted by adidas Women on Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Squats as you all know, are my favourite move - they hurt so much but they're worth it, think of your big juicy bum and toned legs! 

Our next workout move featuring Emtalks Blog is here!Think you can handle some high energy burpee star jumps? Tag a friend and try this out now!
Posted by adidas Women on Friday, 15 May 2015

These really do tire you out but burpees are so good for you! 

Ready to kick start your summer fitness program with Emtalks Blog?We're easing you in with a nice lunge, tag a mate to try it with today!
Posted by adidas Women on Wednesday, 13 May 2015

We all know lunges work the legs too so don't forget about these!

So this is just a little update and some of the moves/work outs I've been doing to help get ready for Summer!

Are you doing more exercise in the run up to Summer/trying to be healthier? Do you prefer the gym, YouTube videos or running outside? How do you like to work out?

Lots of love, Em x

 Don't forget to follow me on bloglovin! to stay up to date with my posts!
 I would also love it if you could subscribe to me on YouTube here!

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