Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day (or if you didn't know that, you do now). It's something that has been drilled into me for as long as I can remember, my Mum has always told me, no matter what time you get up, make sure you eat breakfast. Basically, your body needs breakfast. So many people skip breakfast
and it's crazy because breakfast really does make a big difference. As I've got older, I've let eating breakfast slip sometimes and let my body get way too hungry until I can be bothered to go and make breakfast. That stops now, right here, right now. If I don't eat breakfast immediately
when I wake up, my body get so
hungry that I feel sick - that's my metabolism needing to be kick started and my body crying out for fuel. I'm not a fitness expert, but I can tell you, you need to eat breakfast. I've done many health and fitness posts and a lot of people email me/comment and ask me about my favourite breakfasts - there are so many amazing breakfasts out there but we don't always have the time (or we think we don't), which can leave us stuffing either nothing into our mouths or stuffing the quickest, unhealthiest
thing. I photographed my breakfast for a week and thought I would share these easy breakfasts with you! Let's get fit and healthy!
Before we get into the breakfast, I just want to list some facts about why you should eat breakfast;
- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
- Breakfast provides you with the energy and nutrients that lead to increased concentration
- Studies show that breakfast can be important in maintaining a healthy body weight
- A study found that young people who eat a high protein breakfast had noticeable reductions in cravings for sweets later in the day
- A study found that people who eat breakfast burn more calories throughout the day and have tighter blood sugar control than test subjects who skipped breakfast
- Research found that teenagers who fail to eat a good breakfast are more likes to become obese and develop high blood sugar in adulthood.
Sorry to hit you with boring research but I just wanted to get some little facts in here to prove to you that breakfast really is important for so many reasons. There are basically are so many statistics online
about why you should eat breakfast and why it's important. I definitely believe that you should make time to eat breakfast every morning - even if it means waking up just 5 minutes earlier. Make time for breakfast. See your body as a car, it needs fuel to get going in the morning, this fuel will help speed up that metabolism throughout the day too. You can read my top health and fitness tips post if you're needing some more inspiration.

Day 1; Weetabix with Greek yogurt, blueberries and bananas. As mentioned, I am not a nutritional expert and I don't claim to be one, I teach myself online, with books and through personal trainers etc but I do know that Greek yogurt is a great, healthy source of protein and blueberries are amazing for you too. I love bananas also. One of my favourite breakfasts, it fills me up literally until about 2pm - is Weetabix. I pile my Weetabix high with yummy fruit and yummy yogurt and you can do a different variation every day so you don't get bored. I really try to eat as much protein and fibre as possible as they keep you fuller for longer, I've been using protein shakes recently just to make sure I'm getting more protein in my diet.

Day 2; Blended bananas with matcha and raspberries - I eat a lot for breakfast, I get so hungry so I tend to have at least one huge bowl of something, a banana and then usually something else on top. Whilst this tasted amazing, portion size wise, I needed something else to go with it. This is an amazing snack though - you can find the recipe here - it's my healthy banana ice-cream, I just added my favourite matcha tea to it to give it some more health benefits. This tastes like it should be bad for you, but it's so good.
Day 3; I did the same on day three but blended raspberries, blueberries, frozen banana and added some oats in it too. This makes like a nice thick, cold, fruity ice cream. Again, great as a mid morning snack or you could just put this over Weetabix if you have time. You can make this the night before too. Full recipe here.

Day 4; Poached Eggs with Wholemeal Bread; I discovered poached eggs a while ago and oh my gosh, they are just heaven. I don't think I could live without poached eggs now. On weekends, I usually have poached eggs, or if I go out for breakfast, I always have poached eggs! They are so delicious. I don't really eat bread anymore - it really bloats my stomach so when I do, I only eat wholemeal bread, I can't eat poached eggs without wholemeal bread though. I also don't like hollandaise sauce on my eggs too much so always ask for it to the side. Eggs eggs and more eggs are great for breakfast because they're filling and full of protein plus, you can make them so many ways; poached, scrambled and put them in omelettes (I actually love omelettes I'm just not very good at making them!)
Day 5; Breakfast Bites; I have a full recipe which will be going live very soon featuring these incredible breakfast bites - they're from DeliciouslyElla and I promise you, they'll change your life! Me and my Mum make them in batches and then store them for a few days - they are the most amazing, filling, natural breakfast bars. I used to live on sugary breakfast bars but it's so much cheaper, easier and healthier to make your own if you can put some time aside on a weekend or the night before - you can then just pack these with you! When it comes to healthy breakfast bites, I love having my healthy cookies for breakfast (so filling) and my super healthy, easy pancakes too. My pancakes and cookies require minimum ingredients but are satisfying, delicious and healthy. Other things I eat for breakfast;- Oats - they do make my stomach bloat really bad sometimes but I do try to eat oats topped with chia seeds, sunflower seeds and whatever other seeds I can find as well as usually some honey and bananas or fruit. I love baking my oats too - they taste so much nicer.- Cereals - I only eat cereal that's deemed healthyish - It's easier in supermarkets now as usually you can see how healthy it is by reading the contents etc. I personally like plain cornflakes, shreddies and bran when I'm having a lazy week. It's better than eating nothing and these ones aren't too sugary.
Breakfast Drinks; When it comes to breakfast drinks, I love to wake up with a big glass of water (I actually sleep with a litre bottle of water by my bed - weird I know) and I tend to squeeze lemon into my big glass when I wake up - I read somewhere that it detoxes the body. Personally, I think water is the best thing to drink (carrying round a 1.5 litre bottle with me every day forces me to watch my water intake and make sure I'm drinking enough - I used to be so bad at hydrating myself!) but I do fill my body with lots of green tea throughout the day too. More recently, I switched to matcha because it's stronger and better for you than green tea (apparently) it's a super green tea. The best two versions I've found are Bloom matcha (living on this at the moment) and Teapigs matcha. I also love coconut water (the all natural one - look out for ones without sugar) and Little Miracles organic drinks too. If I've got time, I love love love green juices. I made a video about my favourite green juice here.
Add ons; When it comes to little add ons, there are so many great little things you can add to your breakfast to make it healthier. Whether you add a little scoop of something into a smoothie or sprinkle some seeds on top of your breakfast. I personally swear by this Linwoods mix of flax, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame and goji berries (you can buy it online
here) This is a staple in my house. I sprinkle it on absolutely everything pretty much every morning. I think this is the easiest way to do it as everything is combined in one pack. I don't really use protein as I try to get my protein from chicken, tuna, eggs and quinoa but, I was kindly sent some protein by Protein Dynamix and it's chocolate brownie flavoured so I am going to start adding this to healthy cookies and things to give me a protein kick on low protein days. Also, one of my favourite nutrition bloggers (
Nic's Nutrition) loves this protein so it must be good!

So there we have it, you should make time for breakfast! I hope this has helped and you like this post - do let me know if there's anything else health and fitness related you'd like to hear about from me. Do you think breakfast is important? What are your favourite breakfast meals? Do you try and eat big, good breakfasts?
Lots of love, Em x
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