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Thursday 20 June 2019

5 Ways To Ease Stress + Diprobase Product Review

Diprobase cream

Paid Advertorial - I’m definitely guilty of getting myself into a bit of a tizz, which sometimes leads to me feeling a *little* frazzled and stressed. As I get older and more experienced, I’m learning to recognise my trigger points and I’m definitely making improvements (every day is a learning curve!). I try different strategies to prevent getting too stressed and sometimes these work, sometimes they don’t. Getting stressed for me not only impacts my mind but also a host of other things - my stomach gets bloated and painful and also, it’s no coincidence that when I’m feeling stressed my skin is impacted. As we all know, too much stress is not good for us and is reported to make many issues worse, one being dry skin. My mum suffers from really bad eczema and always says it flares up when she’s stressed. Another thing that impacts my skin is the good old British weather and I find that makes mine worse. As the weather changes (one minute we’re in summer , the next we’re back to winter), I find my skin gets stressed too. One thing I don’t have to stress about anymore? Stressed skin. Today I want to talk about some wonderful products I’ve found that are working wonders on my skin. I’m also going to throw in a few little stress busting tips too because I may as well share what’s helping keep me de-stressed!
diprobase itch cream
If you haven’t heard of them, Diprobase® is a range of skin care products for dry and eczema-prone skin. Their expertise and heritage in dry skin means the range is much loved and trusted among its loyal users, many of whom were initially introduced to the brand through prescription. This year, the brand has launched two new products for dry skin sufferers.

I have always suffered with dry skin, usually down to the change in temperature. I am someone who likes to choose my skin care products based on what my skin is telling me, so this range is perfect for me.
diprobase itch relief cream

Diprobase® Itch Relief Cream - This is specially formulated to aid itch relief, caused by dry skin and eczema. I find my skin gets particularly itchy on my shins and when I itch, it just gets worse. I actually once had to cancel a meeting because my legs were so itchy, I wanted to tear them off! It’s a horrible feeling. This new cream is proven to aid itch relief within 30 minutes and has a steroid-free formula. For me, I absolutely hate itching and actually do find some moisturisers can make my skin feel more irritated and then leave me itching more. It’s good to know that this keeps my skin feeling good but also relieves that itch.
diprobase daily moisturising cream

Diprobase® Daily Moisturising Cream - I’m massively into my body oils, but I find they’re more holiday products, that make me feel glowing and pampered, rather than actual problem solving products. This moisturising cream is a daily product that provides long-lasting moisturisation, helping dry and sensitive skin feel healthy and protected for longer. The cream helps to reduce dry skin flare-ups for up to 3 months*, is enriched with prebiotics and helps restore and strengthen the skin barrier.
diprobase review

Every day stress is a real thing for so many of us, I listened to a podcast recently and it said by the time we’ve stepped out of the door for work, we’ve had usually 5-7 mild stressors that will all eventually add up throughout the day, leading to a big stress blow out. I’m massively into my wellbeing and mindfulness is a huge part of that, which is one of the reasons I was really excited to partner with Diprobase® for this blog post. Their Soothing Mind & Skin Programme has been developed to provide easy, practical and achievable tips on how to help manage stress and improve your skin health and overall health.
diprobase product review

5 Stress Busting Tips I’ve Learnt Along the Way:

1. Ask yourself if it will matter in 5 hours, 5 days or 5 weeks? - The answer is probably no! Sometimes it’s good to take a step back, go for a quick walk around the block, think about something and then get back to your laptop. Quite often, we get things out of proportion and really they’re not worth stressing over.

2. Priority lists - Writing priority lists are definitely stress busting for me. I will write a list last thing before I close my laptop and then my mind is free from thinking about work and from stress. I ensure my ‘to do’ list is written out for the next day, in a prioritised order, so that I’m working on the right/most important things in order. I tend to just add random things to my list for the sake of it, but prioritising it, means the important stuff, and therefore, the most stressful stuff, is getting ticked off my pad first.

3. Working out - I’m a ball of stress without some form of movement, whether it’s yoga, a spin class, a HIIT class or just an hours walk around the block on my lunch break. Nothing makes me feel better than taking my stress out on something. I can be the most stressed person in the world but when I leave the gym I feel like a new woman. I find going to a gym class (David Lloyd Blaze classes are my favourite as they have boxing elements) really helps to get rid of my anger and stress

4. A good routine - Try to find a good routine that works for you. I get myself really stressed without a good routine, so look at the things that make you stressed in life… whether it’s being late to the gym because of traffic or not having time to have a healthy lunch and then figure out how to change those things. I used to get really anxious and stressed every time I got the train, because I never pre-booked a seat, so would have to stand for 2 hours. I’ve eliminated that stress by always ensuring I have booked a seat. I also know now that my itchy skin was getting me down, so every Sunday is my pamper night where I’ll take the time to moisturise head to toe. It makes me feel great for the week ahead.

5. Sleep - I know it’s a cliché, but it’s true, I feel as if I can tackle the world better if I sleep well. Sleep is so beneficial for everything, from your mind, to your skin, to your stress levels. I used to hate going to sleep and now I live for bedtime. I use a few different sprays and oils to calm myself and enable me to sleep better too.

So there we have it, I really hope you enjoyed this blog post. It’s not nice having dry, itchy skin and I find mine always gets worse as the weather changes. It’s so good to find products from a brand that are designed with stopping the itchiness in mind.

*96% of babies completing the clinical study did not develop new flare-ups of extreme skin dryness over three months

Lots of love, Em x

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*This blog post is a paid advertisement with Diprobase 

Please note this post is no longer being monitored by Diprobase. For product specific enquiries about Diprobase Itch Relief Cream or Daily Moisturiser, please contact Bayer at [email protected]. Thanks

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