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Monday 21 August 2017

How To Kick Start Your Week The Best Way

reebokIf you’ve been reading Emtalks for a long time you’ll know that I’m a big believer in kick starting your day the best way possible and today I wanted to talk to you about things I’m doing at the moment to make sure my day starts the right way. It's Monday after all, the perfect excuse to start fresh. Mondays make me feel re-energised, excited and motivated. I want to channel that in you guys too. Hopefully some of you are taking part in #EmsChallenge and if not, start today! There's no better day than the present. I genuinely think starting the day the right way fuels you for a good and productive day ahead which is why it’s so important.  P.S, whilst I've got you, click here and sign up to my new newsletter. It goes out every Friday morning full of random bits and bobs just for newsletter subscribers. I'd love to have you!!!
reebok gym kit

Up bright and early - I’m going to write this down as a promise to myself. Sleep is so important and I definitely do not get enough sleep. I absolutely love sleeping in late because my body needs it but then I’m not productive and I get myself stressed as I don’t get done what needs to be done in the day. I’m going to really focus on having early nights and early starts, this means my body is rested and I can make the most out of my early start. The key to this for me is not going to bed too late. I go to bed so late and it means I can’t get up early, plus its really not good for my health. 
Water - I need to drink more water when I wake up. I genuinely think waking up the right way is the best thing to do and I read somewhere that you should drink a large glass of water to hydrate when you wake up. I’m working on drinking more water and this is top of my list, more water when waking up! Or a glass of water with lemon with my breakfast. 

pronamal strong and white enamel

Teeth brushing! - You could say I’m a little obsessed with brushing my teeth. I blame the fact that I had braces for so long and used to brush them so much when I was younger in the hopes that I’d get bright, white teeth. I’ve been using Sensodyne Pronamel recently and I am loving it. Firstly, it’s the mintiest toothpaste I’ve ever come across. I’ve been finding some toothpastes don’t actually make my breath smell fresh but this one is so strong. Sensodyne Pronamel Strong and Bright actively helps strengthen the enamel for healthy white teeth, I can’t wake up knowing I’ve left my teeth unbrushed! It also helps to polish away surface stains for whiter, brighter teeth* and I do find because I drink a lot of tea and a lot of red wine my teeth sadly do get stained, much more than when I was a little girl! The toothpaste is so well priced too, proving healthy teeth and white teeth don’t have to cost the earth. My dentist friends have always told me to only ever use a whitening toothpaste or go to a dentist to get them cleaned, never fall for fads when it comes for teeth whitening! 

Tea! - For me I need a cup of matcha tea when I wake up too, it’s the first thing I grab when I go downstairs. I go for matcha by Bloom or matcha by teapigs as they’re the highest graded. Some people grab coffee, I go for tea or iced coffee, it depends what mood I’m in but I love a hot drink to kick start my day and metabolism! 

Breakfast - Breakfast for me starts my day the right way, I am so grouchy without it. I wake up and my body actually feels sick if I don’t eat. When I’m working out in the morning I’ll have something light before breakfast, such as a Deliciously Ella healthy ball, a Nakd bar or a bite of my Mums healthy bar. If I’m working out later (I eat 2 hours before working out other wise it sits on my stomach and hurts) I’ll have either healthy pancakes, an omelette or cereals. I really do think your body is like a car and it needs fuel in its engine to perform efficiently. Make time for breakfast! Read more about what I eat. 
reebok London gym kit
Gym kit online here and here.

Move! - I do prefer working out in the morning, I feel like it sets me up perfectly for the day ahead and then it's off my pad. I know its not always possible but my dream morning will be me working out really early once I’ve mastered the art of early starts. I'm all about moving more and eating better, not less.

Tasks - I always make a daily task list, it helps me so much in organising my stress and head for the day. I’d highly recommend doing this if you’ve got lots to get through. For example, Monday: must-do, should do, could probably do... prioritise your work. 

So there we have it, a few of my top tips to start the day efficiently! I worked with Sensodyne Pronamel on this project and it was a total honour. I genuinely adore the product.  How do you start your day the best way?

You can pick up Sensodyne Pronamel Strong & Bright Enamel toothpaste here or at your local Boots

P.S, watch my daily make up routine below:

*vs Pronamel Daily Protection
*This post contains advertorial content* 

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Lots of love, Em x

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