When the opportunity arose to host a workout for my followers, I was pretty excited, nervous, but excited. Anyone who knows me knows that working out is not only a part of my daily routine, but also, a part of me. Working out clears my mind, makes me feel de-stressed and is just one of my favourite hobbies. I no longer see exercise as a way to burn fat or lose weight, I see it as a mood booster, throwing all those endorphins my way. I also see it as a way to nourish and love my body. As I've grown older, I've really started to appreciate my body and what it does for me, so why wouldn't I show it some love back? Exercise is great, it keeps my heart, body and soul in check. You only get one body, so look after it! Sure is one of my favourite brands and has been for years now, so when the opportunity to collaborate with them on this work out came up, I jumped at the chance. I put my new gym kit on and ran to the local park eager to meet some of you for a lunchtime workout. I know you guys are based all over the world, so the best bit? I get to share the workout with you today for those who couldn't make it! Today I'm going to talk you through a really quick lunchtime HIIT which you can do anywhere. The best thing? It's effective but it uses an extended cool down to keep you calm! So let's do this and become lunchtime movers together!
At the start of the class, I gave the girls some Sure Antibacterial Odour Protection Anti-perspirant each, to keep sweat away. I couldn't not treat them to my holy grail gym bag essential! Seriously, any long-time Emtalks readers know just how much I swear by Sure.
This year, myself and Sure are on a mission to help you fit fitness into your lunch break, with the
confidence that you will be able to return to the office cool, calm and collected. The routine I did on the day (and the one I'm going to share with you) is designed to give you a super-efficient workout while incorporating an optimised cool down paired with using Sure Antibacterial Odour Protection Anti-perspirant, it means anyone can squeeze fitness into their lunch hour, free from worries about sweat or odour.
The warm up:
- Stretches
- Jogging on the spot
- Jumping jacks
- High knees
(30 seconds of each, or until feeling warm and properly stretched)
The workout:
- One leg deadlift (20 per leg)
- Sit ups (30 seconds)
- Push ups (30 seconds)
- Jumping lunges (30 seconds)
- Walking lunges (4 on each side)
- Plie squat (hold for 30 seconds, heels off the floor)
- Kick squats (30 seconds)
- Plank (hold for 1 minute)
Repeat the above circuit as many times as you can fit in. Aim for at least 4x
- Finish with a fake jump rope (skipping motion) for 60 seconds
- Single leg glute bridges, 30 seconds on each leg
Push ups
Single leg deadlifts
Walking lunges
Plie squat hold
Jump squats
Push ups
Single leg glute bridges
Extended Cool down:
- Deep Breaths
- Chest Stretch
- Tricep Stretch
- Quad Stretch
- Hamstring Stretch
I used to go to spin classes at University and then rush straight to a lecture, even if I'd showered after I'd still feel sweaty because I didn't allow enough time for properly cooling my body down, the great thing about this workout is you'll leave feeling super cool and calm but like you've worked your body too.
So there we have it, make sure you try this optimised highly efficient workout, the 'high intensity no stress' (HINS) workout, I know I'll be doing it when I don't have time to go to the gym and it means there's no excuse not to squeeze your workout in.
The hero product? Sure Antibacterial Odour Protection which is formulated with ingredients
to fight odour causing bacteria, giving you the confidence of 48hr odour protection. I swear by it, it gets me through the toughest of spin classes, the toughest of hill climbs! I've made the mistake before of going to the gym without putting anti-perspirant on (totally forgot) and had to leave due to sheer embarrassment, ever since, I always make sure I have a Sure firmly in my handbag. It's revolutionised my workouts as I can push as hard as I want.
You can copy this blog post if you're wanting to try the workout. You can also find all my workout videos online too here.
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Do you like working out at lunchtime? Do you like the sound of this workout?
A huge thank you to the amazing girls who came along, it means the world to me!
Lots of love, Em x
*I worked with Sure on this but as always, it's 100% my honest opinion!
*I worked with Sure on this but as always, it's 100% my honest opinion!
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